Saturday, 22 June 2013


Introduction to X and Y: Dr.Mandi’s class once again proved to be an enthralling one when he started giving “gyan”on the perceptions that managers usually have about their subordinates at workplace.He enlightened us with the X and Y Theory of Prof. Douglas Murray McGregor.The theory could be categorized into four subcases that talk about two distinctive perceptions of two different types of people (namely authoritarian and participative) about human behaviour at workplace.

Theory X:Authoritarian or Dictatorial managers make preconceived notions that subordinates have an inherent dislike for work and tries to evade it whenever possible.They have to be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with retributions  in order to make them achieve the organisational objectives.They do not want responsibilities and have little or no ambition but seek security the most.They do not get motivated and remains subdued at their workplace.

TheoryY:Participative or Co-operative managers feel subordinates are committed to the organisational objectives and take up responsibilities.Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination find value among them for solving organisational problems .Managers believe that they do impart self-direction in the work they do and in times to come will prove their mettle.

Application of X and YDepending on the above two theories 4 sub cases can be made:

Case 1Manager X and Demotivated workers
Due to banality in the work or lack of incentives workers find it less motivating to do work leading to decrease in the productivity of the organisation.Adding to this the manager’s authoritarian style of governance make matters worse.Instead of finding the real cause of laziness the manager keeps on harping the same formula to get the solutions.
Case 2: Manager X and Motivated workers
As rubbing a soft material against a coarse one erodes the surface of the former similarly dictatorial managers proves a threat to the motivated workers.Due to inept managerial skills of the manager the employees who are worth retaining would become frustrated and diffident leading to their attrition from the organisation.
Case 3: Manager Y and Demotivated workers
With proper motivation and finding the real causes of worry could make the demotivated ones motivated.The onus will be on the manager to bring the change which on a broader domain would lead to organisational benefits.On the flip side the manager will also be reaping essential learnings from the scenario.
 Case 4: Manager Y and Motivated workers
The ideal case where organisational productivity will be at its summit provided other factors remain constant.The working ambience will be perfect and a win-win situation will prevail for the worker,the manager and the organisation.

 Choosing X or Y:
After working for almost 3 years in a petrochemical company and learning the X and Y theory I could realize  that managers of the Y category are an important asset to an organization for enhancing the productivity from the workforce if the major chunk of workforce remains demotivated. The monotonous work could make the employees droop who all can  be made to stand straight by employing certain beneficiary schemes in the form of
1. performance linked pay
2. privileged leaves
3. free medical facilities for family
4. leave and travel allowance,etc.


With this I end my second blog .............................and leave behind a quote for my readers... 

 “Every day people straighten up the hair, 

why not the heart?''

Jubin Dey


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