INTRO to SMART: Are you SMART?????
This is what
Prof.Mandi taught us in the Principles of Organization and Management.
Now lets decode SMART.
S= Simple, Specific, Sustainable
Measurable, Motivating
A= Achievable,
R= Realistic, Rational,
Relevant, Result-focussed
T= Tangible,Time-bound
Does it make
sense…….for an organisation to follow the above code to reach its set goal or
mission. Let us explore them further ,one by one.
S= The set
goal of an organisation should be apt enough to reach its employees,customers and
peers.Specifically mentioning it and proving its sustainability is the onus
that the management of the organisation has to take.

R= The organisation’s strive for excellence is brought forward through its result-focussed goal.
T= Time bound
goal proves the value of time that an organisation considers for reaching the
Now taking an example the above concept can be proved where a person wants to lose 10kgs of weight and only by applying the concept of SMART goal setting he can perform to achieve it.
For an organisation to achieve the realistic set goal, the "PYGMALION EFFECT" should be brought forth where the managers of the organisation of Theory Y type should put on greater expectations on their subordinates to enhance their performance.
Thus ,
Realistic Goal Set X Realistic Goal Achieved = Performance
One can summarize the Pygmalion effect, often known as the power of expectations, by considering:
- Every supervisor has expectations of the people who report to him/her.
- Supervisors communicate these expectations consciously or unconsciously.
- People pick up on, or consciously or unconsciously read, these expectations from their supervisor.
- People perform in ways that are consistent with the expectations they have picked up on from the supervisor.
Similarly for the tower building exercise persons with closed eyes can reach the SMART goal of setting up the tower provided the PYGMALION EFFECT is instilled in them positively by THEORY Y managers.
Another example that can be brought forth is that disabled persons under proper tutelage of Theory Y instructors get motivated positively under PYGMALION effect and do achieve their SMART goal.
With this the blog ends.............
do read and give suggestive feedbacks
Jubin Dey
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