Saturday, 29 June 2013

SMARTness with PYGMALION effect and Theory Y

 INTRO to SMART: Are  you  SMART?????
This is what Prof.Mandi taught us in the Principles of  Organization and Management.
Now  lets decode  SMART.
S=  Simple, Specific, Sustainable
M= Measurable, Motivating               
A= Achievable, Ambitious
R= Realistic, Rational, Relevant, Result-focussed
T= Tangible,Time-bound

Does it make sense…….for an organisation to follow the above code to reach its set goal or mission. Let us explore them further ,one by one.

S= The set goal of an organisation should be apt enough to reach its employees,customers and peers.Specifically mentioning it and proving its sustainability is the onus that the management of the organisation has to take.
M= The achievement of the goal can be measured by means of the performance of the organisation and comparing them with its peers.The motivation to the employees is to be  provided by the management in accordance with McGregor’s Theory Y for reaching the goal.

A= Achievable and ambitious goals prove the management of the organisation to be rational and practical. It shows the degree of trust the management of an organisation has in the potential of its workforce.

R= The organisation’s strive for excellence is brought forward through its result-focussed goal.

T= Time bound goal proves the value of time that an organisation considers for reaching the summit. 

Now taking an example the above concept can be proved where a person wants to lose 10kgs of weight and only by applying the concept of SMART goal setting he can perform to achieve it.

For an organisation to achieve the realistic set goal, the "PYGMALION EFFECT" should be brought forth where the managers of the organisation of Theory Y type should put on greater expectations on their subordinates to enhance their performance.

Thus ,
                                    Realistic Goal Set  X  Realistic Goal Achieved = Performance

One can summarize the Pygmalion effect, often known as the power of expectations, by considering:
  • Every supervisor has expectations of the people who report to him/her.
  • Supervisors communicate these expectations consciously or unconsciously.
  • People pick up on, or consciously or unconsciously read, these expectations from their supervisor.
  • People perform in ways that are consistent with the expectations they have picked up on from the supervisor.
 Similarly for the tower building exercise  persons with closed eyes can reach the SMART goal of setting up the tower provided the PYGMALION EFFECT is instilled in them positively by THEORY Y managers.

Another example that can be brought forth is that disabled persons under proper tutelage of Theory Y instructors get motivated positively under PYGMALION effect and do achieve their SMART goal.

With this the blog ends.............
do read and give suggestive feedbacks

Jubin Dey

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Introduction to X and Y: Dr.Mandi’s class once again proved to be an enthralling one when he started giving “gyan”on the perceptions that managers usually have about their subordinates at workplace.He enlightened us with the X and Y Theory of Prof. Douglas Murray McGregor.The theory could be categorized into four subcases that talk about two distinctive perceptions of two different types of people (namely authoritarian and participative) about human behaviour at workplace.

Theory X:Authoritarian or Dictatorial managers make preconceived notions that subordinates have an inherent dislike for work and tries to evade it whenever possible.They have to be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with retributions  in order to make them achieve the organisational objectives.They do not want responsibilities and have little or no ambition but seek security the most.They do not get motivated and remains subdued at their workplace.

TheoryY:Participative or Co-operative managers feel subordinates are committed to the organisational objectives and take up responsibilities.Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination find value among them for solving organisational problems .Managers believe that they do impart self-direction in the work they do and in times to come will prove their mettle.

Application of X and YDepending on the above two theories 4 sub cases can be made:

Case 1Manager X and Demotivated workers
Due to banality in the work or lack of incentives workers find it less motivating to do work leading to decrease in the productivity of the organisation.Adding to this the manager’s authoritarian style of governance make matters worse.Instead of finding the real cause of laziness the manager keeps on harping the same formula to get the solutions.
Case 2: Manager X and Motivated workers
As rubbing a soft material against a coarse one erodes the surface of the former similarly dictatorial managers proves a threat to the motivated workers.Due to inept managerial skills of the manager the employees who are worth retaining would become frustrated and diffident leading to their attrition from the organisation.
Case 3: Manager Y and Demotivated workers
With proper motivation and finding the real causes of worry could make the demotivated ones motivated.The onus will be on the manager to bring the change which on a broader domain would lead to organisational benefits.On the flip side the manager will also be reaping essential learnings from the scenario.
 Case 4: Manager Y and Motivated workers
The ideal case where organisational productivity will be at its summit provided other factors remain constant.The working ambience will be perfect and a win-win situation will prevail for the worker,the manager and the organisation.

 Choosing X or Y:
After working for almost 3 years in a petrochemical company and learning the X and Y theory I could realize  that managers of the Y category are an important asset to an organization for enhancing the productivity from the workforce if the major chunk of workforce remains demotivated. The monotonous work could make the employees droop who all can  be made to stand straight by employing certain beneficiary schemes in the form of
1. performance linked pay
2. privileged leaves
3. free medical facilities for family
4. leave and travel allowance,etc.


With this I end my second blog .............................and leave behind a quote for my readers... 

 “Every day people straighten up the hair, 

why not the heart?''

Jubin Dey


Thursday, 20 June 2013


After missing 3 days class, acad life started  at Nitie on 20th June 2013 in Syndicate 1 of the Academic Building. I was sitting in one of the chairs of the last row when at around 09:15 a.m. a professor named Dr. T. Prasad entered into the classroom.This was my first class on the Principles of Organization and Management course and unlike other classes my professor took out a few building blocks(cubes) and a plastic framework used for building towers. I had already heard from my classmates that this class will be a fun filled,activity filled, enriching and enthralling one and I felt that it was going in the right track.

Continuing from the last class Prof.T.Prasad aka Dr.Mandi started discussions on enumerating the differences between craftsmanship and modern managemnent.Craftsmanship is purely an one man show where there are no parallel persons appointed for doing the job,the distribution of work is not evident  and interdependency between two successive  activities is low and that one man has all the ineptness and dexterity to complete the entire process. But in case of Modern  Management there are more than one workers appointed for completing the entire work which is being fragmented to bits and pieces based on process and not on persons.Deskilling is done to enhance independency and control on a particular work of an entire process and to ensure that it goes in the appropiate direction so that  the margin for error is minimised.Ideas,views and counter views floated in from different corners of Syndi 1 and discussions went on.Examples of Tata Nano,Burj Khalifa glorified the modern management while tailoring and shoe-mending added value to the limitations of craftmanship

The tone continued with introduction to the 3 E’s of management namely:effectiveness(Ef),efficiency(ή)and excellence(E).Efficiency refers to the speed with which a work gets done while Effectiveness denotes the direction of right path for completing the work. Product of Effectiveness and Efficiency can mark Excellence.Just as speed X direction can give us velocity similar is the case with the 3 E’s of management. An interesting way of framing it is “more out of less for more is excellence”.

REALISATION of POM:  Just citing an example to the realisation of  today’s lecture on the 3 E’s:-

Thanks to Prof. T.Prasad I was able to correlate the 3 E’s to the production process of my last organisation Haldia Petrochemicals Limited,where making polymers on round a clock basis and conforming the product quality to the customer requirements and within the specified tolerance limits marked  the excellence of the polymers namely polypropylene and polyethylene when compared to the polymer products of the other competitors.

With these I finish my first blog………..and promise to write many more …….

Jubin Dey