The adjacent situation shows that three people have to cross a valley where they can use a pole but can’t jump to go to the other side.With much thought the plan was chalked out and it was found that only by the following nine steps they can accomplish their target. But to accomplish the target they need to take a deep introspection on factors like risk factor, team work, leadership,distribution of work ,etc.
Team Work is
an important entity for propelling a team forward. It is the bonding between
the individual persons of the team based on trust and faith. The manager of the
team has to ensure that there is proper esprit de corps in his team. Without it
the team is going to fall apart no matter how skilful the persons are within that
team. A team can stand only if it is united. Even in the world of Mother Nature
we find that

migratory birds fly in a team travelling long distances enduring the harsh climatic conditions and finding the right directions to achieve their goals. Co-ordination is the key to success.
The risk factor associated with all three persons is loss of life.If any one of them commits a mistake then there would be apocalyptic consequences. Mathematically all three persons are entitled with the same risk factor where each one has 6 safe conditions ,2 half safe conditions and 1 unsafe condition in these 9 steps.
1. Psychological: The first person has to be of the strongest mentality in order to show the path to the other two so that they can emulate him. He has to be the MAN OF STEEL among the three since no one prior
to him has done it. The man with the weakest heart among the three should be in the middle so as to give him the confidence that there is someone behind him.
2. Physical: The strength of any two persons should be such that they can hold the pole straight when the third person will be in fully unsafe condition. At every time FOUR legs are bearing the load of ONE person.
The person with the MAXIMUM weight should be in the middle(fulcrum) to avoid unstable equilibrium.

In this situation the leadership is key to the completion of the task. The participative form of leadership is important to maintain harmony throughout the work.Each person should be motivated to do the work and made him realise his importance.
Division of work is important so as to ensure each of the three person was undertaking equal and similar work without any variation. However, important point to be noted is that all though same and equal work is being done by the three people, the sequence of the same work varies among the same three persons. This variation in distribution of work has its own implications for each of the individuals.
With the above views this blog comes to an end.
Do send in the feedbacks
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